News from Ruth E. Dickinson: your local library branch
Visit the Library website for our hours of operation, to access online resources, browse books, search programs and events, apply for a library card, and more!
🔯 Canadian Jewish Heritage Month
May is Canadian Jewish Heritage Month. Canadian Jewish Heritage month was established in 2018 to help remember, celebrate and educate future generations about the inspirational role that Jewish Canadians have played and continue to play in communities across the country.
The month of May is meaningful to Jewish communities around the world. Notably, it often lines up with Shavuot or the “Feast of Weeks”, which celebrates the spring harvest and commemorates the revelation of the Torah.
OPL has compiled a list of recent Jewish publications as well as some old favourites by prize-winning authors to further explore the culture, heritage and history of Jewish Canadians this month. Happy reading!
🌳 "Check Out" Nature at the Library
Did you know you can borrow an Ontario Parks 2023 Annual Vehicle Permit with your library card? Each pass entitles a vehicle to enter any provinicial park for free for day access (depending on parking availability). For more information on how to use the permit, please click here.
You can find them with OPL's other Access Passes that provide free general admission to museums, parks, and other sites of interest in the Ottawa area.
To provide equitable access, passes are Express items and cannot be put on hold. You can check out 1 pass at a time for up to 7 days.
📚 Apprendre à lire avec la collection Une syllabe à la fois
Votre enfant apprend à lire? Venez explorer nos premières lectures! En vedette : la collection Une syllabe à la fois. Cette collection de petits livres propose des textes adaptés faciles à décoder et à comprendre. Avec six niveaux de lecture et 70 livres, votre enfant vivra des réussites en lecture et goûtera au plaisir de lire!
📐 Homework Help
Looking for tutoring and homework help for children? Drop in on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm (until June 13, 2023). For children in grades 1 to 8. This program is provided in partnership with Frontier College.
📚 Learn to read in French with Une syllabe à la fois
Is your child learning to read in French? Check out our French early readers! New to OPL: Une syllabe à la fois. This collection of little books offers adapted texts that are easy to decode and understand. With six reading levels and 70 books, your child will develop their reading skills and experience the joy of a good story!
✅ AccessAbility Day 2023
May 31 will be the City of Ottawa’s 20th AccessAbility Day and is a part of National AccessAbility Week (May 24-June 3). This week is an opportunity to celebrate the diverse community of persons with disabilities across Canada, recognize their achievements, and highlight the work being done to remove barriers and make our communities more inclusive and accessible.
In collaboration with the Canadian Accessibility Network and the Institute of Public Administration of Canada – National Capital Region, the City of Ottawa proudly presents a Canada-wide discussion on accessibility policies and key issues. Our keynote speaker will be Stephanie Cadieux, Canada’s Chief Accessibility Officer, and the event will feature many engaging presenters from various governmental sectors, as well as civil society advocates.
This free virtual event is open to the public. Join us on Wednesday May 31, 2023 from 12 pm to 2 pm on Zoom. To register please click here. The Ottawa Public Library is proud to be a part of this event and we hope to see you there!
OPL has put together a list of print, electronic, web, and audiovisual non-fiction resources that discuss current issues and pivotal figures in the disability justice and rights movement
⏺ Lego Block Party / Ça dé ‘bloc’
Calling all Lego enthusiasts! Drop in between 1:30 pm and 4:30 pm on Friday June 2 to create and build with Lego. Pour les 5 à 12 ans.