City updates
Important information about the garden or lending library in your front yard
More than ever, residents have been installing free lending libraries and gardens in front of their homes close to the roadway or sidewalk. Often, these are installed within the City’s right of way and when this occurs, you have to follow certain requirements to make sure you do it right.
Committee approves affordable housing spending plan
The Planning and Housing Committee approved a 2023 capital spending plan for more than $75.7 million to create new affordable housing through partnerships with housing providers, stabilize projects under development and acquire a property for use as supportive housing.
Committee approves 2024 budget directions, timeline, and consultation process
The Finance and Corporate Services Committee approved the 2024 budget directions, timeline and consultation process.
Open houses to help get you zoned in on the new Zoning By-law
The Official Plan sets out directions for how to manage growth and change in neighbourhoods and how the City will respond to issues such as climate change and affordable housing. The new Zoning By-law will help implement these directions by providing rules for what can be built on every property in Ottawa.
Back to School – Vaccination, dental screening, and vision health
As children and youth head back to school this fall, it is an important time to ensure they are up to date on their routine vaccinations. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted access to and delivery of routine childhood vaccines.
Extended heat warning
Environment and Climate Change Canada has extended the Heat Warning for the City of Ottawa due to persisting heat conditions.
Active transportation signs
You may have noticed new active transportation signs around Chapman Mills Public School. These fun, simple signs let walkers and bikers know how long it takes to get to school from the sign’s location.
Road Safety Action Plan: Pedestrian and cyclist safety
Pedestrians, cyclists, and heavy truck drivers must remain extra vigilant of each other, including staying back and leaving a wide berth. Fatal and major injury collisions occur at a higher rate in September than most other months.
News from Ruth E. Dickinson: your local library branch
Imagine having the opportunity to engage in one-on-one conversations with living 'books' that share their personal stories. The Human Library event offers a personal interaction where you can explore and understand the experiences that have shaped each person's journey.
Updates from Ottawa Public Health: International Overdose Awareness Day
International Overdose Awareness Day is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdoses and remember, without stigma, those who have experienced drug-related harms, including fatal overdoses and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind.
Consider walking to school
Start this school year on the right foot! Make school zones safer and help kids get exercise with a walking routine! Set a healthy routine with your family this school year! Walking, scooting, and cycling to school is a great way to start the day.
Library back to full fall hours starting September 5
With fall around the corner and new routines about to begin, hours at Ottawa Public Library (OPL) will return to full fall levels at all of its 33 branches starting Tuesday, September 5, 2023.