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Barrhaven Garden Club: When is a weed more than just a weed?


Presented by: Dr. Shawn Yakimovich ND, Kemptville Naturopathic Clinic and Claude Smith of Kemptville Greenhouse Campus.

Many of the common plants that we sometimes call weeds are actually useful, rich in nutrients, and can be used to make herbal remedies and are even growing in our own backyards and local forests. 

Dr. Shawn Yakimovich (Kemptville Naturopathic Clinic) and Claude Smith (Kemptville Greenhouse Campus) will discuss plant identification, how to forage, medicinal properties and preparation for use. 

Guests $5.00 Payment by e-transfer or phone

Register as a guest - Guest fee remittance form must be filled out and submitted 48 hrs prior to meeting. 

February 12

Para Transpo Talk Sessions

February 13

Para Transpo Talk Sessions